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Kat Martin, Kathy Lawrence (with Larry Jay Martin), Kasey Marx: Occupation: Novelist: Nationality: American. Creole Fires (1992) Savannah Heat (1993) Natchez.

Diana Palmer

Creole Fires Kat Martin Pdf

Overview The Louisiana sun beat mercilessly on Nicole St. Claire just as fate, too, had been merciless. The once wealthy, flirtatious belle stood on the auction block to be sold as a servant.

Creole Fires Kat Martin Pdf

Her sensual figure disguised, her glorious titian hair disheveled, she looked like a waif, but she was all woman, trembling when she recognized the highest bidder—idol of her childhood dreams, the owner of plantation Belle Chene. A man of blazing passion, Alex du Villier bought the girl out of pity, but her aqua eyes stirred his soul and her body ignited his blood. She would be the perfect mistress to make him forget his coming marriage to a cold, haughty heiress. Now he intended to teach this innocent beauty that although he had purchased her freedom, he could steal her heart.

An affair of burning desires. Under a Creole moon their passion became a wildfire neither could control, driving them to heart-wrenching choices of silken sin. Or freedom and love. This book was wonderfully written. I loved the characters Alex and Nicole.

Christine Feehan

Alex is such a great guy in this book. The passion between the two is so great I couldn't wait for the next thing to happen. The only time I got irritated was when Nicole kept running away thinking she should find love somewhere else,(only because Alex had to marry someone else and she didn't want to be his mistress). I was thinking to myself 'girl, give it up!'

Brenda Novak

Lori foster

She already caused herself much trouble the last two times she left him because of her damn pride and every time- she comes close to getting either robbed, raped, or killed. I also enjoyed the part where Alex and Nicole met a few years ago by accident, and since he has never forgotten her looks, he sees her being octioned off as a servant. But he only notices the beauty of his rememberance of her (not knowing it was the same girl) and buys her anyway against a mean, cruel man in which Alex had to beat. Then the story goes on. This book was definately a page turner.

I'm glad I bought the book. I've read a lot of Kat Martin books, and this is just one of the stories that I can clearly remember because I enjoyed it so much. It is worth reading!;). What else can I say other than. I have read this book 20 times and it gets better all the time.

I love the main character Nicole, I can truely identify with her, I thought Kat was writting about me. The Creole/ New Orleans setting was the best. I have searched for books like this and have found NONE. If any one knows of any other great historical southern creole romance novels email me.

The characters were so in depth and the details so graphic, I felt as if I were there. Every page produces vivid mental images. I recommend this book to every one I know and they all love it!!!!!

Once again, Kat Martin has gone to the heart of romance. Through detailed character emotional descriptions, the reader becomes involved in the lives of Alexander and Nicole, and their struggles against and then toward each other. Nicole is a wonderful character brought through innocence to wisdom, and Alexander is the tender, yet strong hero, ever responsible for those around him, to the point of exchanging his own happiness for others'. I love this book, and author! Kat Martin brings the reader right into the time period - I was lost in history, and the lives of the two characters. Anyone who likes historical romances, especially the French or Creole culture, should definitely read this novel!