Huawei G6 U10 4.4.2 Version 4.0

Device detection for developers! We help developers detect and work with tens of thousands of devices, and millions of device combinations. Detect devices from user-agents and other http headers on your website, or from device build information inside your app. Our device database covers tablets, phones, computers (laptops, desktops, notebooks, netbooks), smart tv's, sensors and more. If it has a user-agent we can detect it!:-) Our detection engine can also classify operating systems (platforms), browsers, and apps. Detection information for Huawei G6-U10 is listed below.
Huawei G6-U10 Design Information design antenna Antenna position Internal String design dimensions Device Dimensions in mm 130 x 65 x 7.5 Number x Number x Number design formfactor The shape of this device Mobile String design keyboard The keyboard type Screen String CSV (some devices may have a touch screen and keypad) design sidekeys Keys on the side of this device Volume, Power String CSV design softkeys Virtual keys 3 Number design weight Weight in grams 115 Number Huawei G6-U10 Display Information display color Is this screen color? Yes Yes or No display colors Number of supported colors 16M String (eg 262K, 262144) display other Other characteristics of this display Capacitive Touchscreen, Multitouch String CSV display pixel ratio Native device pixel ratio 1.50 Number (eg 1.00, 1, 1.33 etc.) display css screen sizes Reported css screen sizes.
Android 4.4.2 Version
Listing all tun modules for HUAWEI G6-U10 If you can find the exact android and kernel version below, just install our to automatically download tun.ko module for your android device. Click to go back and list all available devices.
- Version for your phone is: UC Browser With a resolution of 540X960.Huawei G6-U10 users can download the latestUC browserfor Huawei G6-U10 via UCWeb's.
- Huawei ascend G6 si aggiorna a Android 4.4 KitKat e. How To Flash / Update HUAWEI Ascend G6 U10 with sd. Update EMUI 3.0 For Huawei G6-10.

4.4.2 Version
Dec 25, 2015. News for Huawei Ascend G6-U10 users. Proud of an ascend G6-U10 with kitkat version 4.4.2. G6 General Kitkat update for Ascend G6-U10.
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