Posted on by admin

Hi,the contrast controls the backlight level,but not completely. I mean,after a point it stops controlling the backlight,and is continue changing the contrast. This is pretty bad because the black levels are lame,and i know that this TV can produce unbelievable black levels compared to the current.

Philips DVP5982 region free code. Philips DVP-5982 Region Code hack. Even when I load the same firmware on it. My guess is Philips did some tinkering.


Now i understand why everyone's was suggesting me the Samsung LE32B530 instead of Philips. And yes,from what i know Philips' firmwares are open source,but i don't have any idea about how to edit the source code,or in which programming language is written. On my right side i have a Samsung 225mw which has a TN panel. Even on that cheap panel the backlight is completely controllable by the Brightness settings,and the black levels are unbelievable! (But you see the colors and you're going to vomit. I'm also interested in custom firmware's for Philips LCD TVs.


I'm currently have the source code of 'Q54920.26.66.0'. Nocash gba windows 95 full version. Actually I wanted the source code for 47PFL8404(Q548) but it seems like the firmware is very same with the 9xxx series(Q549).

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I can upload the 183MB file if it's requested, and if there is no license problem with that. My view is; we can understand the file structure from the opensource file, and I think that in the firmware update process, the autorun.upg file is only changes the defined files, not the whole system. So if we know the file structure and the structure of autorun.upg file, we can write our autorun.upg file and change the TVs file system as we want.