Roleplay Gamemode Download
Gamemode Pro-Gamer RPG Started by JointSex. GameMode ReInForce (Fostul) + Panel + Index. → GameMode-uri. SA:MP-roleplay-gamemode Very advanced roleplay gamemode for San Andreas Multiplayer. Not recomended for beginner scripters. Language: English Author: Raydex General info: Connection with Invision Power Board 3.4.9 Script is connected with IPB. If you don't want to use IPB 3.4.9, you have to edit login system located in gm.pwn and MySQL based dynamic systems All game systems are dynamic and based on MySQL plugin by BlueG (v R39-5).
That means you can manage them by phpmyadmin, game commands or web app. Stability, bug free Gamemode is very stable, tested with 150 players online in one moment without any delays.
All bugs reported by players during game are fixed. Modular build Software is modular, that means code is not contained in one file. Plugins Gamemode is also using Streamer plugin by Incognito (v 2.8.2) and sscanf plugin (v 2.8.2). Main Features: Groups Player can be member of maximum 5 groups. There are 13 group types, individual commands for every type. Groups have also extra flags. Workers have privileges.
There is no amount of leaders limit. Vehicles Vehicles can be owned by players or groups.
They are unlimited. Player can tune, fix, repaint, manage, lock, sell or share his vehicle. Areas Areas can be assigned to player or group. Owner can set audio stream, build objects and use special area functions based on extra flags (like car fixing). Doors Doors can be owned by player or group. Owner has ability to set audio stream, lock, set spawn, build own interior, set entrance fee, turn on/off garage mode, set exit position, set time inside, delete interior and few other options. Objects In game object creation based on SA:MP graphic interface.
Every owner of house or area can place his own objects inside. Object retexturing - it is possible too (15 indexes for one object). Administrators can place object in every area of map. Objects can be converted to gates, so you can make them movable. Labels 3d text label creator is based on object system (SA:MP graphic interface). Items Player can handle 100 items in his inventory. Items can be also droped to the ground, vehicle, door, bag or group strage.
Items can be traded by offer system. Capacity system is limiting amount of holding items.
Every item has own weight. Over 30 item types with different values.
Products Products are items to order by groups or player. They are based on items, so types are similar.
Ordering them is based on phone call system. For crime organizations, they can be assigned to dealer NPC. Jobs 2 extra jobs are available for all players. Fisher and lumberjack. You can get only one extra job, and earn maximum $350 per day. Offers 25 different offer types.
You can offer services, items and extra stuff like kiss, handshake. Easy access by one command. Features description is short and not detailed, there is much more inside gamemode.
Mai intai de toate, sa raspundem la cateva intrebari, nu? Introducere Ce este acest proiect? Acest proiect este un proiect de colaborare intre scripterii romani (in general) dornici sa ajute si sa creeze un gamemode frumos optimizat, care tine pasul cu tendintele actuale in lumea SA-MP. Acest gamemode este unul RPG, deoarece este cel mai jucat la ora actuala in tara noastra. Acest proiect este gratuit (si va ramane asa!), noi nu cerem nici un ban pentru a beneficia de pe urma muncii noastre, totul este voluntar din dorinta de a ajuta cat mai multi scripteri noi in domeniu.
Dar daca doriti sa ne ajutati (si va rugam sa o faceti), puteti sa donati apasand pe butonul din josul forumului) De la ce vine rGaming v3? Ei bine, poate numele proiectului nu este foarte bine ales, dar el vine de la r(Romania) Gaming v3 (v2 a fost patentat de catre o comunitate ce a murit in urma cu un an). Vom prescurta totul, pe parcursul proiectului sub forma rG3. Caracteristici. SA-MP 0.3.7. Streamer. YCMD + SSCANF.
MySQL R34 (se poate alege dintre mai multe conexiuni). English (iar cum engleza mea este foarte defectuoasa, o sa gasiti multe greseli de exprimare).

Street Sweeper. Trucker. Farmer. Bus Driver. Garbage.
Arms Dealer. Drugs Dealer Am incercat sa facem fiecare job cat mai unic in felul lui. Pentru unele am reusit, iar altele le-am lasat pentru imbunatatiri viitoare. Job-urile neimbunatatite se bazeaza pe un sistem foarte simplu: urmaresti cateva checkpoint-uri si primesti o suma de bani. Din toate joburile se castiga la fel de bine/mult: $10.000 / ora.
Gamemode Samp Rpg
Factiuni. Police Department.
Grove St. 125. Grape Street Watts. Varrio Nuevo Estrada. SA Goverment. News Reporter. Emergency Department Banuiesc ca ati observat deja ca printre factiuni nu se afla cea de Hitman.
Noi consideram ca este non-rp aceasta factiune, in realitate un hitman se angajeaza cautand un jucator potrivit pentru asta, nu tastand o comanda. Sisteme speciale:.
Car Dealership. Pretul si stoc-ul masinilor se poate modifica direct din joc.
Toate cerintele actuale: se salveaza tuning-ul, etc. O masina o poti folosii doar daca este spawnata. O spawnezi prin comanda /spawncar (sau /sc), si o despawnezi prin comanda /park. DMV.

Speedometer. Fiecare masina are un consum propriu. Dynamic House System: Se pot crea case direct din joc prin intermediul comenzii: /createhouse – totul devenind functionabil imediat. Dynamic Vehicle System: Toate masinile sunt gestionate prin MySQL, fiecare masina de civil are cativa parametrii care dau acces doar unor anumite persoane.
De exemplu, poti modifica o masina de taxi, sa fie disponibila tuturor prin intermediul comenzii /vedit. La fel, prin intermediul comenzii /vpark, se poate modifica pozitia unei masini statice, direct din joc. De asemenea se pot adauga masini factiunilor direct din joc, fara a fi necesar un restart. Sistemul de level-up este putin diferit. Pentru a trece nivelul ai nevoie de puncte de XP, iar un punct de XP se obtine odata la un minut.
De-asemenea odata ce ai acumulat suficiente puncte de XP, server-ul iti creste nivelul automat. Mafiile se pot lupta pentru teritorii. Daca stai pe teritoriu, echipa ta primeste 1 punct.
De-asemenea daca omori un inamic, primesti 10 puncte, iar inamicul primeste 1 punct. La final, mafia care are cele mai multe puncte, castiga teritoriul, si suma pusa in joc prin intermediul /war. Multe altele care nu imi vin acum in minte. In principiu are aproape tot ceea ce gasim pe B-Zone, BUGGED, etc. Admin CMDS: Leader CMDS: Cateva poze:.
Red County Roleplay Gamemode Download
– 1:1 copia de pe LS-RP. – se ajunge tastand /teleport Others Meeting Room. Un mic filmulet de prezentare. RG3 Project by is licensed under a. Based on a work. Download Link:.Cont de test: Maurice (parola: qwaszx).Sunteti liberi sa utilizati gamemode-ul (modificati, castigati bani din el, etc) cat timp pastrati creditele initiale (consultati CC Atribution 4.0 License pentru mai multe detalii).In caz ca nu puteti importa baza de date, folositi varianta „clean-database.sql”.Trebuie introdus fisierul geoipcity.db pe in folderul scriptfiles deoarece GitHub nu ne permite sa incarcam fisiere mai mari de 100 MB.
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