Sap Program Naming Convention
* PROGRAM TITLE. Naming conventions to be followed. SAPTechnical.COM is in no way affiliated with SAP AG. SAP, SAP R/3, R/3 software. Roles & Authorizations « Sap Security Pages. Access to SAP system are assigned to users through roles maintained in their user master. In this article, we explore. Creating code inspector Check Variant for client specific naming. For defining naming convention standards go to. In Object Selection enter program name.
Creating code inspector Check Variant for client specific naming conventions Many times while developing an object we need to follow client specific naming conventions,development guidelines etc. Here we will check how to create client specific check variant for code inspector.
1.Creating Check Variant 1.a) Run transaction SCI Enter Check Variant name and press C reate button. 1.b) Next screen will display list of checks. For defining naming convention standards go to Programming Conventions → Naming Conventions and click on arrow.
1.c) Enter naming conventions here. 1.d)If required define other checks also(performance checks, Security checks etc ) and save variant. If ‘Performance Checks→ SELECTs in Loops’ is selected, code inspector will search select statements in loops. Creating Inspection. We will check code inspector results for below sample code REPORT zsktest.Structure with correct naming convention TYPES: BEGIN OF tystruct1, matnr TYPE marc-matnr, werks TYPE marc-werks, END OF tystruct1.Structure with wrong naming convention TYPES: BEGIN OF struct2, matnr TYPE marc-matnr, werks TYPE marc-werks, END OF struct2.Internal table declaration DATA: ttab1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tystruct1, ttab2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF struct2.
Naming Conventions Examples
CONSTANTS: cconst1 TYPE char1 VALUE 'A', 'Incorrect naming convention coconst2 TYPE char1 VALUE 'B'.' Correct naming convention DATA: var1 TYPE char1. 'Variable with incorrect naming convention SELECTION-SCREEN: BEGIN OF BLOCK b1. SELECT matnr werks FROM marc INTO TABLE ttab1 WHERE matnr IN smatnr AND werks = prwerks. IF sy-subrc 0. 2.a)Enter Inspection name and click on create button.
In Object Selection enter program name. We can run code inspector for multiple objects also. For multiple objects create Object Set first and enter object set name here. In Check Variant enter variant name. Click on Execute(F8) button.
2.b) Checking inspection Results Click on ‘Results’ button as shown below.
Fewcustom structures are missing like zcoding in the nugget. Nugget has only following objects. Could you please upload the Custom structures, data elements or tables. Thanks Installed: CLAS – ZCLIMIMCTSCURRENTABAP Installed: PROG – ZCODINGCUT Installed: PROG – ZCODINGEXAMPLE Installed: PROG – ZCODINGFRM Installed: PROG – ZCODINGCLS Installed: PROG – ZCODING Installed: PROG – ZCODINGPAI Installed: PROG – ZNOMENCLATURA Installed: PROG – ZCODINGTOP Installed: PROG – ZCODINGSCR Installed: PROG – ZCODINGPBO Regards Sandy.