Quickload Version 3.6
Dec 30, 2017 QuickLOAD (QLOADDEMO.EXE). QuickLOAD is a program for the exterior and interior ballistic analysis. Kernel streaming wow thunk service.
QuickLOAD/QuickTARGET version 3.9 is supplied with a comprehensive 'USER FRIENDLY' MANUAL included on the QuickLOAD CD-ROM disk. $152.95 plus S&H New CD-ROM version 3.9 requires Windows XP, Vista, W-7, W-8 or W-10. You can import information from the QuickDESIGN program into for QuickLOAD for ballistic analysis-exterior and interior! NEW FEATURE!! Schematic and/or photos of most cartridges in library are available at the click of a button. Scaled photos of the selected propellants.
More than 1200 cartridges. More than 250 powders. More than 2500 bullets. Abundance of Useful Outputs. Customize cartridge selection for your firearms. Dimensioned drawings and photos of many cartridges at the click of a button.

Quickload 3.6 Full Version
Interfaces with the PVM-21 and PVM-08 Chronograph. QuickLOAD/QuickTARGET $152.95. Fast, accurate and easy!