Orkut Background Themes
Important Update: officially now. Hey pals, got bore with same blue orkut background??? Wanna change the way your orkut looks??no don’t rush to news section on orkut its again.
Jul 04, 2008 This video syows you how to use your own bakground image for orkut. How to use orkut with a background image. How to change orkut themes did you. Looking For Stunning Orkut Themes For Free? Here are some Latest Beautiful Themes For Orkut That you Mustn't Miss. You can also get your favorite image as the background.
And again its for users only so if you don’t have get it first!!! Giving below links to few themes actually they are scripts Click on your favorite color to change your orkut background d way U like. myskin. orange.
orkutcinza. orkutsoldier. pretolaranja. purple. purplev2. hotmail. skinnotron.
How To Change Orkut Background
greenreverse. Related Link:. Just refresh the tab(s) to see the chages. No need to restart anything after installing any GreaseMonkey script. (Please note, installation of Greasemonkey itself requires restarting firefox) 2.
To switch between themes: From tools menu, select “MANAGE USER SCRIPTS” option. A Window will pop-up listing all GreaseMonkey scripts installed. Please note installing a script in different than enabling a script. So to select particular theme, ENABLE appropriate script (n disable others). To GET BLUE BACKGROUND BACK, disable all “theme” scripts.
(Note, this will not uninstall scripts from ur system). When i’m using my orkut account,ihave got a message.then i clicked on that message.after that i can’t able to change the theme of my account.then if i go to change a message will appear”Select a theme below to customise how your profile and scrapbook will look to all orkut users. Disable themes. (Only the default orkut theme will be visible throughout the site, including on other orkut users’ profiles) Note: Skins are disabled on the low bandwidth mode. “so i can’t able to unmark the “disable themes”please help me.plzzzzzzzzz.
Important Update: officially now. More than a year ago we have published! That is still our one of the best post! It used GreaseMonkey scripts to change the look of the orkut. Then around 8 months back we wrote about GreaseMonkeys cousin extension – UserStyles which is specially designed for changing looks of a site at client side i.e.
It was cool but at that time there was not any complete ready-to-use style there! But over the time there are lots of styles now and today we are listing them! Hxd hex editor download. # Before Styling. You must have.!.
Restart Browser! #Now Click on any of the styles you like Note: – Click on any thumbnail for fullscreen view 1. Great for users with slow connection 4. Removes the ads on Orkut.com. You may not notice any change!. Removes useless corner images on buttons and other such crap.
Windows Background Themes
Use this if all blue links everywhere on orkut irritates you. If you love yahoo too much.