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  1. Rawker For Windows 10
  2. Rocker Window Switch
  3. Rawker For Windows

Recently announced on Google+ ( ) that he had a Windows build of darktable for people to test out for him. A bunch of folks stepped up to the plate to help out. I am starting this thread on the forum b/c the only mechanism to report issues to Partha was through email, which means many of us who may have the same problem cannot easily check if we should report it again or not. Hopefully Partha joins the community to talk with us here (he can definitely see this post w/o an account though).

RawkerRawker  Windows

So, if you downloaded Partha’s build of darktable for windows and have run into any problems, please report them in this thread! To kick things off, I ran into a very simple problem: crash on startup! Windows 7 Professional, SP1 I get a crash immediately on startup. My intention is not to be “against anyone’s wishes”. There was a huge blog article on the Darktable website about Window’s users not stepping up to build Darktable for Windows or reporting bugs.

Rawker for windows 10

So I stepped up. The dev-mailing list has been down for almost a week and I stated up front that I wanted to discuss with the developers. If you are a developer and feel that Window’s Users should not have Darktable, please say so and don’t say that Window’s Users don’t step up with “simple builds” etc. Thanks, Partha. I think there may be some crossed communications that I’d hate to see spiral out of hand I understand dt’s concern about having an active maintainer for a win build, vs.

Rawker is a converter program for RAW files produced by digital photo cameras. Its philosophy is the good old Apple motto: Keep it simple. It allows you to convert a single RAW file or Batch process a folder of RAW files. It is also possible to specify a hot folder that Rawker scans every few seconds.

From what I understand they’d like to have someone actively maintaining a win version and able to contribute to that maintenance. I can understand that part of the problem is the worry that someone will build dt, get a bunch of windows users on board (and all the associated bad things that the devs are worried about - more on that shortly), and then possibly leave or stop maintaining the build.

Leaving many angry users hanging and possibly flooding any support channels they have I think the general perception of the was that the only thing lacking for a proper win port was a developer willing to be a maintainer (more on that in a sec). So I guess, the questions are:. Will dt support a win port at all?. If yes, then can the dt team clarify exactly what their expectations of what a proper maintainer would be in their expectations? This way, assuming dt is ok with a win port at all, it’s well understood ahead of time what is expected from someone willing to step up (avoiding any misunderstandings or unpleasantness).

About those windows users I know there’s some concern generally about the quality of user in terms of project feedback and bug-reporting, but I’d hazard a guess that early on the people using a win dt would most likely be more tech savvy than an average win user? Hopefully this could mean that more quality bug reporting and issues could be expected at a time when the port would be most fragile and benefit from better quality reporting (early). Pat, I responded here because I was not aware of Mr. Houz’s comments on the DT blog. So, I visited it this morning and noted his comment.

Now I do see that he was asking whether I’ll be willing to maintain it. He also says that the Window’s builds are trivial. So, I am at a loss exactly what is required since he is already building for Windows? Now I am confused. I am happy to provide Windows builds as a service and maintain my builds as I do with GIMP.

Rawker For Windows 10

Also, for GIMP I ask people to report issues to me. Anyway, I don’t understand the hostility. Well, it’s his code and I suppose he is entitled to it.

Thanks, Partha. Partha: I am happy to provide Windows builds as a service and maintain my builds as I do with GIMP. Also, for GIMP I ask people to report issues to me.

You know that I’m personally appreciative of the work you do with this, and I think that is simply being cautious. (Perhaps a little overzealous in his caution, but it’s coming from a good place). The problem is simply that the team doesn’t have the manpower to effectively handle a possible flood of incoming support and bugs, and they are ( rightfully) concerned about being able to handle the input with the scary possibility of little in terms of giving back to the project.

Rocker Window Switch

I think some more discussions with the dt team would help clarify their willingness to consider supporting a path forward. While I personally think it would be great to be able to offer win users good alternatives to commercial software from the open world, I am also ok with continuing to use dt in a VM when needed (it’s like my OS penance - at least there’s an OSX build for home).

Let’s see if they might consider supporting some effort going forward.

'Keep it simple' reads the Rawker editor, i.e. 'Make it as simple as possible'.

Rawker For Windows

And so, simple without losing one iota of its power. If you have RAW files and need to pass them to TIFF, Rawker is your program. Rawker offers a simple interface where you can see the photos you want to convert, although you can also convert all the RAW files that are in a folder together. But before giving the conversion button, it allows us to adjust the brightness and gamma curve. That and much more, as for example the balance of whites, the level of detail and shading. What makes Rawker is to take advantage of this file format prior to optimize their conversion to TIFF, with an sRGB profile.

RGGB, Fuji 45 째 in option. 8.8 0/10 0 reviews The best tool to convert images Free English X 1.5.1 1 0/10 0 reviews Convert PDF files to JPG, PICT, formats and much more Free English 1.3.2 2 0/10 0 reviews Convert icons to images with this new context menu Free English 1.4.1 3 0/10 0 reviews Scale and convert your photos quickly and easily Free English 0.9.6r0 4 0/10 0 reviews Turn your digital photos into photos style Polaroid Free English 5.6 5 0/10 0 reviews Convert and process your photos. Handles over 50 formats (RAW, CR2, NEF.) Free English Rate this program.