Peugeot Alert Zone Deutschland
DOWLOADING AND DOWLOADING AND INSTALLINGPEUGEOT ALERT ZONE ONTOWIP Nav + / Connect Nav +0. A vehicle equipped with a WIP Nav +/ Connect Nav + navigation system2. Access to website peugeot.navigation. Automatic installation using the Install Wizard requires a Mac or a PC, administrator access to installAdobe Flash and Adobe Air (see the configuration required)4. A PDF viewer is required to view the installation manual (included with the operating system or st andalone).5. A USB flash drive (empty and preferably formatted as FAT32/MBR) in order to transfer Peugeot AlertZone files to the vehicle’s WIP Nav +/ Connect Nav + navigation system, with the engine running.2 DOWLOADING AND INSTALLINGPEUGEOT ALERT ZONE ONTOWIP Nav + / Connect Nav +1.
Peugeot Alert Zone
Tag Archives: PEUGEOT ALERT ZONE. 2015-2 Citroen-Peugeot SatNav MyWay-WipNav-RNEG (SD Card) Europe Maps +Peugeot/Citroen ALERT ZONE. Peugeot SMEG Alert Zones October On the forum of GPSunderground you can find the latest version of the Peugeot SMEG Alert Zones. Click here for more.
Procedure to buy, download and automatically install Peugeot AlertZone files onto the USB flash drive (RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE)An alternative procedure is available for advanced users, see the appendixHow to buy a Peugeot Alert Zone file from website peugeot.navigation. Browse to website peugeot.navigation. Choose your vehicle using the selector3. Add a Peugeot Alert Zone product, identified by the following icon, to your basket4. Finalise your purchase by following the instructions5. On the purchase confirmation page, click on “Download installation wizard”, a pop-up window will open.Important: if you have already installed and used the Peugeot Alert Zone wizard, proceed directly tostep 113.
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